Upcoming Events
December May
17: Butter Braids Delivered 1: American Degree Due
20: FFA Holiday Lunch 7: Story County Sheep Weigh
January 15: State/Co. Fair Nominations
11: Contest (LDE) Sign-up Ends
14: Iowa Degree Applicants List Due June
14: FFA Meeting TBD Chapter Officer Camp
1: State/Co. Fair Entries Due
February 14: State Floriculture CDE
1: National FFA Scholarships Due 14: State Horse CDE
2: Iowa Degree Review 14: Flags Up – Flag Day
2: District Officer Interviews 16: State Food Science CDE
17: FFA Meeting 16: State Ag Mechanics CDE 21: Flags Up – President’s Day 24-26: DE/IAAE Conference 23: Sub-District Contest (LDE)
20-26National FFA Week Observed July
4: Flags Up – Independence
March 14-17: Boone County Fair
5: NC District Convention - Belmond 20-24: Story County Fair
22: FFA Meeting TBD: Gilbert Days
25: Iowa Youth Institute Paper Due
April 11-21: Iowa State Fair
TBD Friends of the FFA Banquet 27: State Livestock CDE
10: WLC Registration Due 27: State Meats CDE 10-12: Iowa FFA Convention
20: Boone Co. Fair Sheep Weigh
12: FFA Meeting
29: Teacher Appreciation Lunch *All dates are tentative and subject to change